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The Elite MIndset

Updated: Jan 31, 2023

The one person that has The Elite Mindset is Yahushua(Jesus) The Christ.

The one person that has The Elite Mindset is Yahushua(Jesus) The Christ.

We are called to follow His example in our everyday lives and business. We can rejoice because we know all things are working together for our good to them that love God, to them that are the called according to His purpose.

You can overcome all things that come against you. Don't give up when you are having trouble but rather look to Yahushua The Christ who took all negativity that came up against Him and turned them into good. Even the most negative thing that could ever happen to Him ( His Death ) was turned around for the good of many people. Now we can be saved because we believe on HIM. Which allows us to be in right standing with GOD.

We will learn to become like Yahushua. We will not let hardship take us off course, but we will overcome the difficulties in life and business. Now let's join together in Christ Yahushua and also help and encourage others that are going through rough times.

How and why? Because we overcame through the ability that Yahushua has given to us and we will aim to help others likewise. May Yahushua bless you as you submit to His will.

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